Practical & Useful information
Compulsory Diagnostic Report
The various required real-estate technical diagnostics in the event of a sale, are grouped together in a single file called the Technical Diagnostic File (DDT).
This file must be attached to any compromise and deed of sale.
Sanitation Compliance Certificate
The sanitation connection compliance certificate is mandatory for a specific type of properties (collective or individual housing)
in certain municipalities in the Alpes Maritimes (06) and Var (83).
It is important to check with your notary if your municipality is concerned.
Documents needed for Sale
Please click here to see the list of documents to provide to us, for the sale of your property.
We inform you that all these documents will also be required by the notary for drafting the sales agreement in later stadium.
Some of these elements are also mandatory in order to be able to distribute your property on the various advertising media, in order to comply with the law-regulations in France.
Estimation Notary Fee ( Land Registration Fees)
Acquisition costs, commonly called “notary fees”, are added to the purchase price of real estate. They are essentially made up of taxes paid to the State/Government.
Our Region / Our Sector
The PACA region (Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur) is located in the south-east of France and includes six departments:
Alpes-Maritimes (06), Var (83), Alpes de Haute Provence (04), Hautes Alpes (05), Vaucluse (84), Bouches du Rhône (13).
Images of our region, click on "learn more", or check our social media on the "news/blog" page
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